News Detail

kwahu June 23, 2018

Kwahu West to use ICT to promote good governance and ensure accountability

The need for Municipal and District Assemblies to provide valuable information to the people in the communities they serve and other major stakeholders cannot be over emphasized.

For this reason, the Kwahu West Municipal Assembly is undertaking the development of a new, simple and user-friendly website that will provide useful information on its achievements, Annual Action Plan, Composite Budget, services, projects and programmes, tourist attractions, investment opportunities, upcoming events, bye-laws, fee fixing resolutions, Annual reports, all stakeholders. Apart from creating a platform for sharing knowledge and solutions, key stakeholders can also view meeting dates and proceedings, departmental reports, major activities and other important announcements.

The customized design will hinge on the fundamental service delivery standard i.e. professionalism, accountability, client focus, participation, good governance and transparency,

The focus of website will be a robust Content Management System (CMS) that will allow a trained administrator of the Assembly to make regular updates to showcase latest news, pictures, projects and programmes. The project will help project Assembly’s image(an image branding solution.) as the Assembly makes conscious efforts to share documents and other vital information with the world.

The Kwahu West Municipal Assembly is poised to use the website project to bridge communication gaps as well as create a learning tool for its stakeholders. The website will contribute to shaping the digital vision of the Assembly and offer it yet another opportunity to establish itself as a pace setter in the Local Government Service.

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